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Looking for more listings? Look no further - we have the easy button!
In the world of real estate, the phrase "There's no easy button" has become a common mantra. But what if we told you that we might just have the solution you've been searching for? If your goal is to secure more listings, your search ends here. And - if you have a listing that you think DESERVES a full market price offer - we can help with that too!
Explore our proven scripts below and their impressive success rates. With CashCPO, we're proud to introduce a revolutionary concept: the CashCPO full market value offer, a proposition that offers undeniable value to your sellers.
It's a game-changer that many will choose over traditional listings, enabling them to bypass the hassles of showings and countless viewings.
As a licensed agent, here's the best part: You not only secure the listing, but you also get paid on both sides of the deal. And if your zipcodes are already 'owned', you owe it to yourself to learn about CashCPO, so that you can secure these full market offers on your listings!
Get ready to transform your real estate game with CashCPO.
Rowena Patton, Founder CashCPO
Looking for more listings?
Look no further - we have the easy button!
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Welcome to the CashCPO team, where agents have the opportunity to easily submit six offers per week on behalf of our dedicated investor. Our investor partner offers up to 70% as a cash advance to the seller upon contract signing. They then take charge of flipping the home on behalf of the seller. You'll receive compensation on the buyer's side upon purchase, and again when the property is sold.
Our funding partner typically covers the cost of an appraisal and inspection within a week, and also provides upfront funds for necessary repairs or updates, such as new counters or any other improvements you, with your 'agent eyes,' deem necessary for the home. Two-thirds of sellers end up making more money than they would with a traditional listing.
You automatically secure the listing and earn commissions from both sides. Additionally, you'll receive a Certified Pre-owned listing, which only drops out 7% of the time, compared to the 32% drop-out rate for traditional listings.
With this program, you'll have access to the best listings in your area, which you can market as Certified Pre-Owned.
If you're part of a team, successful teams ensure that any agent closing fewer than one deal per month, visits 9 homes in three 1.5-hour sessions each week, resulting in at least 6 offers - per week! It's a seamless process as it always involves the same buyer, title company, attorney, and proof of funds.
Every agent is required to submit a minimum of 3 offers per week to participate in the program.
The cost? A one-time setup fee of $175, followed by $25 for one exclusive zip. This rate drops to $7.50 per zip for packages of multiple zips.
Explore our plans and pricing here.
Gain access to exclusive zip codes reserved for one agent or team. Check whether your area is already serviced by a CashCPO expert.
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How would you like to leverage the following scripts?
"Hello Mr. FSBO, I'm aware you've received numerous calls this morning. I have a serious buyer, Mr. Bin, who is set to purchase 3 homes with me in the next two weeks. Yours is one he's particularly interested in. Would it be possible for me to view it this afternoon?"
This script yields a 90% appointment rate.
"Hello Ms. Expired, I understand you've been fielding many calls today. I have a buyer, Mr. Bin, who is in the process of purchasing 3 homes with me over the next two weeks. He's taken special interest in yours. Would it be convenient for me to view it this afternoon? Oh, and you might be wondering why I didn't bring an offer earlier. It's because I've recently become certified as a CashCPO expert, enabling me to provide this opportunity now."
This script results in a 70% appointment rate.
"Hello, my listing, with my recent certification as a CashCPO expert, I'm excited to inform you that we have a new full market value cash offer for your property. Your home has already been assessed as a fit. Would you be available this afternoon for me to come over?"
This approach also addresses the common concern that some sellers have, where they feel agents haven't brought in potential buyers.
This script leads to a 90% re-appointment rate.
Explore our plans and pricing here.
Gain access to exclusive zip codes reserved for one agent or team. Check whether your area is already serviced by a CashCPO expert.
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Current CashCPO teams - lock up your exclusive area today!
If you are on your phone, use 2 fingers to move the map to your area and scroll out, or view on your desktop!
Your area taken? Call the team and join them, and start writing 6 offers a week!