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Folks going through a divorce are often in the midst of disentangling some, or all of their joint possessions, including their ‘family home,’ and other property, as well as negotiating custody, should children, and even pets are involved. The ‘family house’ is often the most valuable asset owned by the couple.
Get your full market value cash offer in 24 hours.
The Home often becomes a ‘ground-zero minefield’ on the road to divorce. Add into these financial aspects a huge dose of emotional strain and stress, and it’s no wonder why, on the ‘Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale,’ ‘divorce’ takes the #2 position. Only ‘death of spouse’ ranks higher! The Divorce CPO Program can alleviate some of this stress. The Divorce CPO may be handled as a traditional CPO where the sellers pay for their own inspection and appraisal, and have a 'traditional' CPO sale, or a Cash CPO, whereby they may be able to access up to 75% of their equity within 2 weeks, and the majority of the profit share at stage 2, with most sellers getting 90-120% of what it would have listed at - with no showings or hassle. See Cash CPO for how money is allocated.
Get started now, with a Divorce CPO specialist agent who can help guide you through this difficult time.
Founding Member, Christina McIntosh of Savannah GA discusses the www.DivorceCPO.com program with Rowena Patton, Asheville NC.
Our agents have a ‘Divorce Directory’ containing the names of local divorce lawyers, as well as names of other useful professionals, like therapists, attorneys, estate sale vendors, movers and mediators. The directory comprises people who the agent developed a trusted-relationship with over time, through specializing in a Divorce Program. Get started now, with a Divorce CPO specialist agent who can help guide you through this difficult time. Get your full market value Cash offer in 24 hours.
Make it Objective
In many divorce cases, one spouse has more motivation to sell than the other. Conducting CPO first allows divorcing couples to objectively and realistically discuss the bottom-line value of the home, and what will be involved in obtaining the best price possible. Get started now, with a Divorce CPO specialist agent who can help guide you through this difficult time.
Lifestyle Changes
Divorce requires both parties to examine the lifestyle they’ve enjoyed together. Most often, money will be tighter when it comes time to establishing two new households. Divorcing spouses are wise to hire a financial advisor, to help determine whether either spouse can afford to keep the home, should one of them desire to do so. Often, one spouse takes care of payment of bills, and the other may not realize the bills involved. It’s a good idea to suggest a spreadsheet, which covers all of the bills attached to the home. Everyone needs to move forward with ‘eyes wide open’ through every stage of the process. For example, a written agreement on what will take place between the listing periods and when ownership is transferred is critical. Get started now, with a Divorce CPO specialist agent who can help guide you through this difficult time.
Whether selling to an outside party, or each other, spouses using the CPO Program benefit from third parties independently (and objectively) verifying the value of the home, and identifying any repairs needed, etc. - which neither party may be aware of. CPO not only makes for better preparation of any property - in divorces, it keeps both parties on ‘the same page’ from the very beginning, until offers come in from buyers. Get started now, with a Divorce CPO specialist agent who can help guide you through this difficult time.
While a clear understanding of these issues not only reduces stress from the process of (and negotiations during) any sale, for a couple already considering divorce, it’s an absolute requirement. Regardless of whether or not the couple decide to sell the home to a third party or transfer ownership to one spouse, CPO provides for a licensed Appraiser to set the price - rather than an agent who may be preferred by one of the parties - and thus, likely considered ‘impartial’ by the other. Get started now, with a Divorce CPO specialist agent who can help guide you through this difficult time.
Determining other important issues include:
Which party will take responsibility for:
The structuring of the buyout of the other’s interest, should one spouse sell to the other. That will require assessment by their CPA, or their Divorce Attorney. This is often done with a lump sum, or through trading another asset, or a payout over a period of time (or both) - and may affect how the home is sold.
Which party brings money to the table, if the home has negative equity (where the mortgage is greater than the value of the home). Decisions can be made about this up-front, using the section of the listing agreement that covers this (if applicable in that state). If it is not covered in the listing agreement, the Attorney should put an agreement in place to avoid delays at the closing that could result in the home not selling.
Decisions on how and when the home is shown (ex.) - 24hr notice for showings, containment or removal of pets for showing.
How repairs are taken care of (and how will it be handled, with quotes and preferred vendors etc.).
Paying the mortgage, how will the couple communicate this?
The Risk incurred on the mortgage.
Other home-related expenses.
Set-up costs for the new mortgage, or the sale.
Transfer of ownership on the deed, if any.
Capital gains tax, and mortgage interest.
Get started now, with a Divorce CPO specialist agent who can help guide you through this difficult time.
Get your full market value cash offer in 24 hours.